Come to think of what is likely to happen when people start to lose respect and order in a community? It will be a total chaos for authorities. Also, people won’t feel safe and secure even in their own homes. Good thing that this is not bound to happen. We still live in a world of freedom and order. There are just some who might have endangered these things that we are enjoying now, but an injury lawyer New York will always be there to save the day for those who fall victim to careless people.
See how an injury lawyer New York can work for the restoration of order and award of claims:
NYC Lawyers practicing personal injury law for New York City clients and beyond. Silbowitz, Garafola, Silbowitz, Schatz and Frederick is a team of experienced and professional personal injury attorneys with over 80 years of cumulative experience servicing clients in New York City, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx and Long Island. NYlawyer.net is located in Manhattan and excels at prosecuting personal injury lawsuits. We take pride in having recovered multi-million dollar awards; proof of our dedication and commitment to providing the highest quality legal representation to our clients. We help seriously injured victims in seeking compensation for their loss as well as the families of individuals who have been wrongfully injured due to negligence that resulted in death.
Our lawyers are experts in recovering money from surgery and medical malpractice cases, automobile accidents, construction accidents, and other personal injury claims. The claims we handle typically involve complex medical issues involving head, neck, back, knee, shoulder, arm, and or leg injuries resulting in fractures, soft tissue injuries, spinal cord injuries, herniated discs, RSD, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, or other injuries that require surgery. We also represent clients whose claims involve paraplegia, quadriplegia, wrongful death, brain injuries, as well as birthing injuries to mother and child.
If you have recently been injured in New York, you need a New York personal injury lawyer to help protect your rights. Anyone who has a personal injury knows how this can change lives. You have physical limitations, you have mounting expenses, and you have mental anguish. In New York, you have some of the best lawyers working for corporations. Their entire focus is on protecting the company.
The Perecman Firm, started by David H. Perecman in 1983, has been bestowed several honors over the years including the New York’s area top attorney for 2011. The Perecman law firm has won over $200 million in settlements for their clients, which includes 2 of the largest 15 verdicts ever settled in the sate of New York.
What Constitutes Personal Injury?
First, lets discuss the areas of personal injury. A personal injury can occur in three areas: body, mind, and/or emotional. The injury can be caused by construction accidents, vehicle accidents, wrongful death, and medical malpractice.
There are many factors taken into account when it comes to compensation. Some of these factors include pain and suffering, emotional stress, lost earnings, medical expenses, property damage, and lifetime effect.
Compensation is ultimately paid out as a lump sum, or as a structured settlement.
Why Use a Personal Injury Lawyer?
In today’s world, there is no way an individual has the resources to fight against a team of opposing lawyers. Besides, if you’re injured how can you effectively plead your case?
Besides competency, you need a law firm that is experienced and has a track record of success. The fact is, personal injuries are compensated by monetary value. This can never reverse the damages, especially if they are sustained for life. But, the Perecman firm goes a step further, they dedicate the people, time, and money to go the distance – you deserve no less.
As one of the top New York Personal injury lawyers, David Perecman has experienced himself, the trials of being injured. This gives him an edge when it comes to understanding the needs of his clients – this is called compassion.
There are so many facets to a personal injury case that it’s impossible for individuals to do this themselves. Here are the two things that have to be proven in these cases. First, was the defendant liable for the accident? Second, what is the extent and nature of your damages?
In New York, there are five most commonly filed personal injury lawsuits, they are:
1. Motor vehicle accidents
2. Work related injuries
3. Assault
4. Slip/fall accidents
5. Product DefectsOnce you’re involved in an accident, the clock starts ticking. Evidence must be gathered, witnesses must be deposed, and the framework surrounding your case will be put in motion.
How Can the Perecman Law Firm Help?
If you’re injured, your priority is how to live under these new circumstances. As a lawyer, Perecman’s priority is to answer your questions, reduce your stress, and represent you in such a manner that you are compensated fairly for your injury.
What does “compensated fairly” mean? This entire phrase revolves around how badly you were hurt and what is required for you to live. This could mean you need a special vehicle for transportation. You may need your home reconstructed with special equipment pertaining to your injury. There may be long-term implications, which entitles you to payments for the rest of your life.
At Perecman law firm, we will answer all your questions and put in the hard work needed for you to receive the maximum benefits you deserve. As one of the top New York personal injury law firms, we service clients in Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Long Island and Westchester.
You can visit our website at www.perecman.com to hear what former clients have to say about their experience with us, or you can call us at 646-679-7632. Call us, we can help.
And remember – “Our goal is to get you what you deserve…nothing less.”
Injury Lawyer New York near you:
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