Personal Injury Lawyer Denver

Personal Injury Lawyer Denver

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personal injury lawyer denver

personal injury lawyer denver
personal injury lawyer denver

Colorado Lawyer Named One of the Top Workers’ Compensation Attorneys in the … – EIN News (press release)


Colorado Lawyer Named One of the Top Workers’ Compensation Attorneys in the
EIN News (press release)
/ — DENVER, CO — (Marketwired) — 09/21/15 — The Workers’ Injury Law & Advocacy Group (WILG) recently honored R. Mack Babcock, Colorado injury lawyer and founder of The Babcock Law Firm, by naming him one of the top workers  


Salmonella source found; meth in coffee; school restraint limits – Arizona Daily Star

Arizona Daily Star

Salmonella source found; meth in coffee; school restraint limits
Arizona Daily Star
Principal Dan Wroblewski, second from right, leads students Sherouk Mohamed, left, Karim Muse, second from left, and Khadra Mohamed, back to class after a protest at Columbia Heights high school, Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015, in Columbia Heights, Minn.and more »


Titans WR Hunter found not guilty of assault and battery –


Titans WR Hunter found not guilty of assault and battery
The victim in the case doesn’t have health insurance and has expensive medical bills to pay as a result of the fight, and has hired a personal injury attorney with the intent of suing Hunter. “This is nothing but a ploy to get to his pocket and money and more »


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Nursing Home Abuse is An Injustice

Nursing home abuse is an injustice to the elderly that occurs more often than not. What can be even more discouraging is when a victim of these abuses, finds the courage to speak up and there is no one around to hear their plight. Due to the unstable mental state of some patients, it would be be better off for the patient to consult a nursing home abuse lawyer to file these claims of abuse.

A lawyer will determine what constitutes neglect and abuse. It is very important to know this when you are considering on whether to file a lawsuit or not. Neglect implies carelessness, failure, or some important omission in the performance of one’s duty, task, etc. Neglect could be intentional, but it does not have to be. Abuse means to treat wrongfully or harmfully and could be applied to injurious or improper treatment. Another form of nursing home negligence is the expropriation of a residents’ property and possessions, such as stealing and embezzling.

Signs that abuse has occurred include bruises, cuts, burns, or sprains that are unexplained. Other signs could include sudden changes in the behavior of the patient. As a family member or friend of someone who is in a facility, you should pay close attention to these sort of thing when you visit them. Residents being kept in an over-medicated state, loss of resident’s possessions, and sometimes sudden large withdrawals from bank accounts could all be signs of abuse.
If a friend or loved one has suffered an injury as a result of nursing home neglect, you can sometimes request a free consultation and legal claim evaluation from law firms. Nursing home abuse lawyers have experience handling complex lawsuits for negligent care. There would be no fees or expenses unless a recovery is obtained. However, every claim has a deadline, so it is important that you review any potential claim with a qualified nursing home abuse lawyer as soon as possible.

There are lawyers who can offer legal solutions if you or a loved one has experienced abuse. It is very important that you speak to an experienced lawyer, preferably a lawyer who specializes in abuse. Contact an attorney if you have any questions concerning what can be done with your case. You or your loved one may be entitled to compensation for your damages or suffering.

You can request a free consultation and evaluation from a nursing home negligence lawyer. A nursing home negligence lawyer will review the evidence surrounding the abuse and determine if the victim is entitled to compensation. There are usually no fees or expenses unless recovery is obtained. If the case is properly litigated, the legal process could bring about substantive and positive change in the facility.

What to do if accused of inappropriate touching of a child in Denver …

Being accused of having sexual contact with a child, i.e. child sex assault, can be one of the more horrifying things that can happen to a person. Increased national attention to child sex assault offenders has led to an increase in the false accusations of such conduct. False accusations of this kind occur in all sorts of circumstances, but are mainly prevalent in divorce and child custody proceedings.

In Denver, and all other Colorado counties, child sex assault accusations can lead to the criminal charge of “sex assault on a child”. The sexual assault on a child statute criminalizes any person, the actor, from having “sexual contact” with another person, the child, who is under the age of 15 years old, where the actor is at least 4 years older than the child. “Sexual contact” means any touching of the child’s “intimate parts”, either under or over clothing. “Intimate parts” includes the butt or groin area of either a boy or a girl, and the breast of a girl. “Sex assault on a child” is a very serious crime in Denver and all other Colorado counties.

Sexual assault on a child is a felony and, upon conviction, carries a potential prison sentence that can include up to the remainder of the accused person’s life. The actual consequences for a conviction for child molestation will depend, of course, on the particular circumstances of each case. However, the consequences are severe even when a person convicted of sex assault on a child is lucky enough to avoid a prison sentence. Colorado law requires that anyone convicted of a sex offense, including sex assault on a child, register as a sex offender and undergo a sex offender evaluation and subsequent treatment. In addition, the stigma that is created as a result of being convicted of child molestation can cause irreparable harm to a person’s reputation within his or her community, as well as with friends and family.

So what do you do if you have been accused of sex assault on a child? Generally, such accusations occur in one of two ways. 1) You are contacted by an investigator from a local law enforcement agency who notifies you that accusations of child molestation have been made, and 2) a family member notifies you that a child is accusing you of having sexual contact with him or her. The Denver criminal defense attorneys at Frankfurt Trani, P.C. advise anyone accused of sex assault on a child do two things immediately: 1) Stop talking – You have a constitutional right to remain silent and you must use it in this situation. Any statements that you make, even if they are intended to deny the accusations, can later be used against you if you end up being charged with sex assault on a child. Often times, statements that are made to an investigator or another person early in the process are later harmful to your ability to defend against child molestation accusations. 2) Retain a Denver criminal defense lawyer who specializes in sexual assault on a child cases. A criminal defense attorney who is experienced and knowledgeable about child sex assault cases can assist you in dealing with an investigation of such accusations. An attorney can speak to an investigator on your behalf without the concern that those statement will be used against you later on in the process. Whether it is the Denver criminal defense attorneys at Frankfurt Trani, P.C., or someone else, it is essential that you retain a lawyer as soon as possible if you have been accused of child sex assault.

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9/10; 9-15-17

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