personal injury lawyers salt lake city
personal injury lawyers salt lake city
personal injury lawyers salt lake city
personal injury lawyers salt lake city
People on the Move – Utah Business
People on the Move
Utah Business Salt Lake City—Snell & Wilmer is pleased to announce that attorneys Kim S Colton, Bret Evans and Tanya N. Peters have joined the Salt Lake City office. Colton is a staff attorney focusing his practice in corporate, real estate and natural resources …
How religious leaders can teach family ideals when the reality is vastly different – Deseret News
Deseret News |
How religious leaders can teach family ideals when the reality is vastly different
Deseret News When Father John Norman of St. Vincent De Paul Parish in Salt Lake City talks about church teachings on family, he describes a young bride and groom on their wedding day, scrubbed up and full of hope, promises and expectation. … The idea that a …and more »
California fire updates: Death toll rises to 5 in Butte, Valley fires – Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times |
California fire updates: Death toll rises to 5 in Butte, Valley fires
Los Angeles Times The number of victims from massive wildfires raking Northern California has grown to five, with two more bodies recovered in the Valley Fire on Wednesday, Lake County sheriff’s officials said. One of the … Daniel Berlant, a spokesman for Cal Fire …and more »
Fetal Brain Injury
Many injuries to newborns are avoidable. Permanent brain damage caused by fetal distress is often caused by tragic errors and mistakes by the obstetrical team. Injury to the newborn baby’s brain is many times due to failing to properly manage the labor and delivery, leading to cerebral palsy.
The following is a list of possible medical errors that can lead to fetal brain injury:
Failure to respond to umbilical cord compression
Failure to respond to fetal distress and fetal monitoring sensors
Failure to respond to the need for a cesarean section in a timely manner
Misuse of forceps
Misuse of extractor
The alert obstetrician will observe potential problems and immediately take the proper steps before brain injury can occur. Physician delay or inaction in making decisions can cause irreparable harm to the newborn baby.
Lack of Oxygen
Fetal brain injury and Cerebral palsy are often the result of lack of oxygen to the brain of the fetus during the birthing process. Lack of oxygen can have a devastating effect on the fetus prior to birth. Some explanations for this event occurring are umbilical cord prolapse, an unusual position of the baby in the birth canal, dysfunctional labor (one that is too long or the contractions are too strong). The use of Pitocin can also have a tragic effect on the fetus by causing unnatural contractions which limit the amount of oxygen to the baby causing devastating brain damage.
The condition of the baby right after birth can alert the parents and the obstetrical team to the fact that the infant has indeed suffered a brain injury. However, fetal brain injury is not always apparent immediately after the birth. The brain injury may not become apparent for weeks, months or years after when the child fails to meet developmental milestones during this time.
Lack of oxygen at birth can be avoided by good obstetrical and neonatal care. You may want to investigate what happened to your baby and whether his/her injury could have been prevented.
Settlement Brochure: How to Prepare One For Your Injury Case
A lawyer and a wagon-wheel must be well greased. German proverb
If you absolutely cannot get a lawyer but you honestly believe you have a personal injury case then you have only one choice: you’ve got to go it alone.
Now, I don’t recommend you do your case without a lawyer if you can get one.
First of all, studies show that an injured person with a lawyer gets more money even after paying the lawyer than one without.
Second, there are are pitfalls, which means you could fall in a pit which you could not get out of. An excellent example of that is the uninsured or underinsured motorist case and there is an article on that elsewhere in this blog.
Third, you have no idea what your case is worth.
But you’ve been turned down countless times and no lawyer wants your case but you believe in it so you are doing it anyway.
Step One: Do yourself a favor and don’t settle too early. You have to wait till all your injuries are identified, diagnosed and treated. You’ll reach a point where all your doctors agree you are at “maximum medical improvement.” Don’t settle before that point and there may be reasons to wait even further.
Step Two: Gather all the medical records from all the doctors you’ve seen and the clinics and hospitals you’ve been to.
Step Three: Do the same thing with the medical bills. You need every bill.
Step Four: Get a copy of the accident report.
Step Five: Get some idea of what your case is worth. See my blog post entitled: What’s Your Case Worth? Utah Injury Attorney Gives Guidelines
Step Six: Summarize your lost income. Now you can’t just write a one page summary of your lost income or lost wages and expect to get paid. My clients have almost always had problems understanding what it takes to actually get paid on a lost wage claim.
You need something from your doctor saying you were unable to work because of the accident and for what time period. If you don’t have this then you should probably just forget about it except for the fact that it won’t hurt your case to throw it in.
And you need documentation from your work. This should include how much you earned per hour before the accident (actual proof: a pay stub or letter from human resources). And it should include the number of hours you were working per week just before the accident. Once again the letter from human resources would be a great place to include this information.
Step Seven: Gather pictures. Pictures that will help the outcome of your case include: 1) damage to your car if it is particulary bad (on the other hand a photo showing little or no damage is the opposite of helpful);
2) pictures of your injuries (this would include right after the accident and then, if the injury is not completely healed, some taken at the time you are putting together the brochure); pictures of scars are particularly useful;
3) If you have a nice picture of yourself you may want to include it as it won’t hurt your case and it could “humanize” you for a claims adjuster who has hundreds of files.
Step Eight: Summarize very simply and clearly in a cover letter the information you have gathered. You want a “total” for medical bills and you want to quote the doctors as to their findings or “impressions” regarding your injuries.
Step Nine: At the end of the Summary letter you will need to ask for compensation. It’s better to ask too high than too low as you can always come down but it is hard to raise a “demand” number when you realize you have set it too low.
Now take the Summary letter and attach accident report, photos, lost wage summary, medical records and medical bills and make a copy for yourself.
Mail the original to the claims adjuster.
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Personal Injury Lawyers Salt Lake City, Personal Injury Attorneys Salt Lake City Utah, Personal Injury Attorneys Salt Lake City, Personal Injury Lawyers In Salt Lake City, Personal Injury Attorneys In Salt Lake City Utah, Personal Injury Lawyer Salt Lake City Utah, Personal Injury Attorney Salt Lake City Utah
9/10: 9-12-17