Virginia Beach Personal Injury Lawyer

Virginia Beach Personal Injury Lawyer

News on Virginia Beach Personal Injury Lawyer

Trials for officers charged in Freddie Gray case will stay in Baltimore – Washington Post

In the Washington area, Beltway snipers John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo were granted a change of venue for shootings that occurred in Northern Virginia, with the cases moved more than 100 miles away to the Virginia Beach area. … This was an …and more »

Heat kills fish; Diddy case; Taco Bell DUI – Arizona Daily Star

GOLD RIVER, Calif. — The California Department of Fish and Wildlife say it is working to keep hundreds of thousands of trout alive at the American River Hatchery after warm water temperatures killed about 155,000 trout. The department said Wednesday a – read more here –

The Dangers of Interstate Trucking: Increased Risks of Injury or Death Mean … – Digital Journal

The Virginia truck accident injury lawyers with Shapiro, Appleton & Duffan work every day to hold truckers and truck companies to these high standards. For example, the firm obtained a $21 million structured settlement for a young girl who suffered – continue reading here..

Fatal Emergency Room Errors

Emergency room treatment often involves a life-threatening event, and in some cases a patient’s life cannot be saved. However, this does not excuse malpractice or substandard treatment resulting in injury or death. Although it is almost impossible to pursue criminal charges if you have lost a loved one due to errors in the emergency room, you may be entitled to compensation through a wrongful death lawsuit.

Virginia Beach Personal Injury Lawyer News

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Causes of emergency room error

In the fast paced, high stress environment of emergency rooms errors can easily occur. Doctors and staff see patients whom they know nothing about and can never predict the situations that they will be dealing with next. However, implementing and following strict policies and procedures can greatly reduce the chance of error and keep things running smoothly. Fatal emergency room errors are often the result of hospital negligence or wrongdoing including:

· Understaffing

· Inadequate training

· Poor record keeping procedures

· Poor patient tracking procedures

· Unsanitary conditions

· Unethical or illegal intake and treatment policies

· Inadequate medication administration procedures

· Inadequate facilities and/or equipment

Deadly errors in the emergency room

Common emergency room errors leading to wrongful death include:

· Failure to fully evaluate a patient

· Diagnostic error

· Surgical errors

· Failure to monitor a patient

· Partial treatment

· Delayed treatment

· Refusal to treat

· Medication errors

Medication errors

Even in a minor emergency, medication errors can be deadly. Fatal medication errors in emergency rooms can include:

· Allergic reactions

· Administration to the wrong patient

· Wrong prescription for the condition

· Misread prescription or label leading to administration of the wrong medication or wrong dose

· Overdose

· Drug interactions

· Administration of pain medication to patients who are intoxicated

Diagnostic errors

Diagnostic errors can lead to a patient being given the wrong treatment or to a patient being sent home with an untreated, life-threatening condition, which worsens or repeats, causing death. Conditions which are often misdiagnosed include:

· Heart attack

· Stroke

· Brain injury

· Pulmonary embolism

· Appendicitis

· Pancreatitis

Unethical and illegal intake procedures

Legally, an emergency room cannot require a patient to prove his or her ability to pay before providing emergency care. However, many hospitals break or bend these laws, allowing patients to die. Hospitals have many ways of shirking their responsibility to stabilize patients needing emergency care including:

· Refusing to examine or provide any treatment without proof of insurance

· Delaying treatment for an unreasonable amount of time

· Sending the patient to a different hospital

· Providing partial, but inadequate treatment

Unsanitary conditions

Emergency room staff and doctors must act quickly to save lives, but that does not justify neglecting sanitation. Unsanitary conditions can cause transmission of diseases between patients or infection of a wound or surgical site.

Do Doctors Make Decisions about SSDI Claims?

Going through the application process for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits is frustrating for almost everyone. It’s already frustrating to be unable to work due to an injury or medical condition, and having to prove to the government that you are unable to work adds to that frustration. On top of that, the vast majority of SSDI applicants (about two-thirds) are denied the first time and more than half are denied the second time as well. In fact, it’s extremely difficult to get Social Security Disability benefits in North Carolina, Virginia, or any state without an experienced SSDI attorney.

Understandably, if you’ve been denied SSDI benefits, you want to know just who is making that decision. Since your eligibility for Social Security Disability Insurance depends on how the specifics of your injury or medical condition hinder your ability to work, it would make sense that a doctor or other medical professional would make that decision. However, the SSDI claims system is actually quite a byzantine bureaucracy that is nearly impossible to navigate unless you have a competent Social Security lawyer.

Who decides if I get SSDI benefits?

The first step for filing an SSDI benefits application is to get extensive medical documentation of your injury or medical condition, specifically how it makes you unable to work. It is recommended that you consult with a Social Security lawyer to get your paperwork in order, since any mistakes or missing documents can result in denial of your SSDI benefits.

When you actually file your Social Security Disability Insurance claim at the Social Security Administration office, the first person to look over it is the Social Security Claims Representative. Unfortunately for these underpaid government employees, many SSDI applicants who have been denied mistakenly think their claims representative is the person who denied their SSDI benefits and direct their frustration toward the person at the window. In actuality, the claims representative has no decision-making authority. He or she simply sends your paperwork on the state disability agency.

At the state disability agency, your claim is assigned to a Disability Examiner who signs off on the decision regarding your SSDI benefits. The Disability Examiner looks over your paperwork and determines whether a doctor’s opinion is necessary to decide your case. If so, the DE sets up a consultative medical examination in which a doctor, psychiatrist, or other medical professional evaluates the extent to which your disability prevents you from working.

The Role of Doctors in Approving/Denying SSDI Claims

Doctors or medical professionals impact the SSDI claims process at two stages—the medical examination and the final review. It won’t necessarily be the same doctor involved in both steps. First, if necessary, the doctor assigned by the Disability Examiner evaluates your disability and makes a recommendation to the DE determining if your injury or condition qualifies for SSDI benefits.

Some Disability Examiners are considered “single decision makers,” meaning that they have the authority to approve or deny your SSDI claim after seeing your paperwork and the results of the consultative medical examination if there is one. If the DE does not have that authority, his or her decision will be reviewed by another doctor before it becomes final. The types of SSDI claims that most often require physician approval are those that involve psychiatric or mental health disabilities.

Clearly, the process for getting Social Security Disability Insurance is quite complicated. If you are injured or unable to work for another reason, contacting an experienced SSDI attorney could be the best decision, especially if, like most SSDI applicants, your SSDI benefits are denied. A Social Security Disability lawyer can help you navigate the even more complex SSDI appeal process, which involves review boards, judges, and may even end up in Federal District Court.

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