Personal Injury Lawyer Salt Lake City

Personal Injury Lawyer Salt Lake City

personal injury lawyer salt lake city

personal injury lawyer salt lake city

personal injury lawyer salt lake city
personal injury lawyer salt lake city

People on the Move – Utah Business


People on the Move
Utah Business
Salt Lake City—Snell & Wilmer is pleased to announce that attorneys Kim S Colton, Bret Evans and Tanya N. Peters have joined the Salt Lake City office. Colton is a staff attorney focusing his practice in corporate, real estate and natural resources  


150000 Ashley Madison accounts in Utah; 6000 in Provo –

150000 Ashley Madison accounts in Utah; 6000 in Provo
The breach included over 60 gigabytes of data containing credit card numbers, user details and personal emails, according to data security expert Brian Krebs in an interview with Business Insider. Richard Hickman, lead examiner of Orem-based Decipher  


Navigating the Technical World of Passenger Vehicle Safety Recalls – Legal Examiner


Navigating the Technical World of Passenger Vehicle Safety Recalls
Legal Examiner
Passenger vehicle safety recalls are fairly common, but a recent one caught my attention because I drive a vehicle that is subject to the recall. I just happened to hear the tail end of blurb about the recall on a morning news program, and that made me and more »


personal injury lawyer salt lake city

Testosterone Therapy Lawsuit & Mesothelioma Law Firm in Salt …

It has become an all too common fact that product liability and dangerous products have almost developed into a way of life. The weekly news reports rarely go by without alarming headlines of a death or injury related to a product now being recalled or highly promoted pharmaceutical drugs now shown to have disastrous side effects.

The National Cancer Institute recently, “… found that men over the age of 65, as well as patients younger than 65 with a history of heart disease, had twice the rate of heart attacks in the three months after beginning testosterone therapy lawsuit when compared to the year prior to treatment.”

The National Cancer Institute and The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) have both released studies showing a substantial risk increase of heart attack, stroke, and death for men using “Low-T” therapy drugs.

Reports show that testosterone therapy will be a $5 Billion Industry by 2017. Why is that important to know? This is a standard practice for the major pharmaceutical companies who make billions on a specific drug without conducting proper research. Once they have made their money, they set aside a few hundred million for lawsuits. They take a small “slap on the wrist” and when all is said and done, they have still profited Billions of dollars with a “minimal payout” to sick and dying patients. To them it’s “Good Business,” but to you or your loved one, it’s pain, suffering and even death! The Zabriskie Law Firm Salt Lake City, UT anticipates filing hundreds of lawsuits on behalf of suffering patients who were injured while using testosterone therapy drugs.

Mesothelioma is a type of CANCER that occurs in the mesothelium. This is a thin membrane encompassing your body’s internal organs and cavities. Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to Asbestos! Not anymore, thank Heavens… in 1989 the laws changed for using asbestos… however, the reason you are still hearing about it is because it can take decades to manifest the symptoms.
The time to take action is now, and by waiting to seek help from an attorney you are hurting your chances for receiving justice. The other side has attorneys trying to secure the most unfavorable result for you. You need a legal advocate who will fight tirelessly to defend your rights. Here at mesothelioma law firm we never underestimate the serious nature of your case, and we have a proven history of success with negotiations and trial. In order to protect your legal rights, please fill out and submit the case evaluation form on this page. Our skilled team of attorneys will carefully review and assess your situation in order to provide you with the reliable help you need. We have achieved over 400 trial victories and are prepared to stand up for your rights.

It is our belief that anyone who has been harmed or seriously injured due to product liability based on a defective design or an inadequate label or warning may have a case to look into. Our firm urges anyone who believes they have the grounds for filing a product liability or dangerous products suit to contact one of our lawyers without delay. This includes clients facing a DePuy hip implant lawsuit. We have years of experience and know-how in aggressively pursuing all types of claims. Let us answer your questions and provide you with first rate legal counsel in working out how to strategize the most effective defense suited to your claim for damages and losses.

Personal Injury – Act of God: What You Must Know

What is an “act of god?”

Black’s Law Dictionary defines it as “An act…[caused] exclusively by violence of nature without the interference of human agency.”

Typically these are “events outside of human control, such as sudden floods or other natural disasters for which no one can be held responsible.” (Wikipedia.)

However, if a contractor failed to follow the building code and because of that a house was blown away by a hurricane, the contractor could be held liable.

What about a driver who has a stroke and crashes into the next car?

In cases like this you sometimes see insurance companies claim an “act of god” defense. Though these defenses are rarely successful you may want to look at the medical records. Perhaps the lady should not have been on the road at all. Was she completely honest on her driver’s license renewal on that long list of questions about the condition of her health? Did she feel a little queasy health-wise that morning?

With questions like these most “act of god” defenses melt away like margarine under a hot knife.

Early in my career as a Utah injury attorney, a young, Air National Guardsman came to me. He had been watching a softball game near the Salt Lake City Airport, when a gust of wind picked up a piece of plywood from land owned by the government. The wind carried the plywood one hundred feet and dropped it on the young man’s wrist.

A highly respected Salt Lake City attorney told him the case was, at best, worth “nuisance value” of one thousand dollars. The attorney was experienced but not in injury law.
As we learned above, in the law of “Torts”, (injury law) injuries caused by nature are known as “acts of god.” Was this an act of god? “Not if it could have been predicted,” says the law of Torts.

Research from the National Weather Service showed wind gusts were common near the Salt Lake City Airport. Therefore, the Federal government should have tied down the plywood. Our claim under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) resulted in a settlement thirty six (36) times that predicted by the other attorney.

This story illustrates several things to keep in mind when faced with an “act of god” defense:

1. There are different kinds of attorneys. Your divorce lawyer may be outstanding in family law but very bad as an injury attorney, especially when dealing with an esoteric legal concept like “act of god.” Choose a lawyer whose primary focus is injury law and you’ll benefit from his experience especially if it is at least five years full time.

2. If one attorney doesn’t like your injury case try another.

3. Looking at a case from different angles can pay off big. Knowing the case thoroughly is valuable as are research and creativity.


A true “act of god” is an act of nature such as a hurricane or heavy rainstorm. However, if such is foreseeable, then it must be planned and prepared for. Failure to plan and prepare can be an act of negligence.


This article is intended for informational purposes and not as a substitute for legal advice.

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Personal Injury Lawyer Salt Lake City Utah, Personal Injury Attorney Salt Lake City Utah, Personal Injury Lawyer In Salt Lake City, Personal Injury Lawyer Salt Lake City Utah, Personal Injury Attorney Salt Lake City Utah


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